Having lots of different financing balances to be paid off at different times, for different amounts and to different parties can be stressful. With Personal Financing-i Debt Consolidation, you only need a single financing to pay all these once and for all.
The benefits that you will get are:
Applying for a financing is a major decision, therefore, we have prepared a step-by-step guide to help you make a decision all in three steps:
1.List down all your financing.
Get your financing balance, profit rate charges and monthly installments for the financing that you want to consolidate.
2.Calculate your financing eligibility.
You can get an estimated financing eligibility by visiting any Bank Rakyat branch or call our Call Centre at 1 300 80 5454.
3.Apply Financing.
Once you have all the necessary information, you have a choice to submit your financing application by any of the following:
For any enquiries, please visit the nearest branch or call our Contact Centre tele-Rakyat at 1-300-80-5454.
*Terms and conditions apply.
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